
Sunday, October 31, 2010


We celebrated Halloween and did the whole trick-or-treating thing on Saturday since Halloween was on Sunday. But first.....the kids had a blast playing in the leaves!
Brock was always careful to not get too many leaves on top of him. He liked to play with the leaves, not in the leaves.
Here's Bradlee getting Mommy. AHH!!!!
Here's Aunt Megan getting Buddy!
Daddy LOVES getting buried in leaves. Who doesn't?!
Bradlee couldn't not get enough of the leaves. She had a blast!
So handsome!
So gorgeous!
Brock was everyone's favorite Space Ranger for Halloween. BUZZ LIGHTYEAR!

Bradlee was a WITCH!!! Best looking witch I've ever seen.
We went out trick-or-treating in Grandma and Grandpa McLachlans neighborhood. Only problem was it was POURING RAIN the entire time. Wendy was nice enough to brave the storm with us. We all carried umbrellas and were still soaked to the bone when we got home even though we only went to about five houses.

The kids woke up all night with coughs and fevers. Not sure if it was because they were already kinda sick before or if all that rain really did them in! Anyways, they got candy and that's what matters!

Ward Halloween Party

Later on Wednesday night we spent a whole ten minutes at our ward Christmas party! Our kids lost interest super fast. Actually, neither of them were really feeling good this whole week which probably explains their total lack luster attitudes.

Here is Bro. Cruz scaring the crap out of Brock. Poor kid thought he was a monster and just kept yelling for him to get away!

Bradlee's Halloween Party

Bradlee had her Halloween party at preschool on Wednesday. I got her all dressed up and ready to go completely against her will! Luckily it just took her a few minutes to get in the spirit of things.
Here she is all smiley and happy in the car on the way to school.
They made all kinds of cute crafts at school that day. They made spiders, painted pumpkins and exchanged treats. Bradlee took Hershey bars to hand out because those are her favorite things right now. She had dance right after preschool, and the got to stay all dressed up in their costumes for dance class. Parents were invited into class for the last ten minutes to watch their Itsy Bitsy Spider dance. I planned to get the whole thing on video, but Bradlee had a melt down as soon as I walked in the door so....better luck next year, I guess! She looked cute anyways!

Pumpkin Carving

Monday night we carved a pumpkin with the kids for FHE. Actually, Monday night Tyler carved a pumpkin with Brock for FHE. Bradlee wasn't too pumped about the whole pumpkin thing this year, but she did pick which face our pumpkin should have based on the sketches below. All the sketches are Tyler's except the one on the bottom right is mine, and Bradlee picked mine becuase she has good taste :)

Uh Oh! Brock touched some pumpkin innards, and he is not pleased!
The finished product! Thanks to Tyler, I think it turned out pretty dang cute.

Papa is hilarious!

If this doesn't make you smile, there is something wrong with you! My dad used to do the same thing with us when we were little. We laughed just as hard back then, too! Timeless.

Moab 2010

We went to Moab in October with the McLachlans, as we do every year. Tyler has to get his fix of wheeling on the red rock. Everyone had a great time just hanging out and relaxing. Thanks to Wendy and Bryan for putting it all together and for all their hard work.

Wendy and Lisa
Mommy and Bradlee
Megan, Cory and our beautiful children
Um...Buddy, that's gross! The kid likes cheese, ok, get off his back!
Bryan, rollin' with the punches just like always. I think he got to spend some good quality time with a couple of his kids this trip. I know Tyler really enjoyed it.
If only everyone looked as good as she does camping!
Da boys.
Wendy made everyone matching shirts complete with tire marks across the back as we spend most of the time on Jeep trail whenever we are there.
I know, the front view is cuter. I just wanted to make sure Wendy got credit for the back of the shirts, too!

Tory's Tunes