
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Jesus Wants Bradlee for a Sunbeam!

Bradlee has officially started Primary! We tried to get her all excited for the big day, but let's face it...SHE HATES PRIMARY! Tyler and I have to sit with her every week because she is too active for the teachers, but frankly I can't blame her! The senior and junior primaries are combined and most of the stuff is geared for the older kids. I am sure we will all have a good laugh at this one day, but I never thought I would have the challenging child! We are working on her sitting still skills, and are having friends over from her class to play. Hopefully this will help her want to go and pay attention!
Bradlee is talking a lot more now. She still runs her sentences together and skips some words, but still she has improved SOO much. She knows all of her ABC's and counts to 12 and sometimes higher. She is constantly talking about the temple. For example, she saw a white hat at Target, and she kept telling me she wanted the "Temple Hat".


tenacious d said...

She is so cute! It is a good idea to work with her on having some "sitting still" time at home, so it's not such an unfamiliar thing on Sundays.

Molly said...

Beautiful! I just wanna kiss her!

Jennifer said...

Who wants to sit still for that long anyways? I remember one day when I was in Primary I stood up for a while (quite randomly),simply because I didn't think it was fair that the ladies up at the front got to stand up and I didn't. Haha!
I thought I was really showing them, but I don't think they even noticed. Lol

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