
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

FHE with the Jacksons

Last night we had FHE with Kate, Hunter, Keelia and Hadlee. We went to Gardener Village and went on an Elf Hunt. We had to find about ten different elves doing a bunch of different things. After we found all the elves the kids got free candy sticks from the candy shop.

We also stopped to have treats and hot chocolate at the bakery while we were there. My kids both chose to have chips. I don't let them have nacho flavored Doritos or Cheetos at our house because of orange fingers, so they ALWAYS want them when we are out somewhere. As you can see, Keelia is the only child who cooperates for pictures.

Hunter is all about the PDA!

Keelia with her blue frosting face.
Bradlee with her nacho cheese face.
which brings us to Brock...?
I don't know about everyone else, but I had fun. I love being out and about during the holidays. Plus, Kate and Hunter are always entertaining!


Wendy said...

Oh my gosh! That made me laugh so hard! I'd rather have the Cheetos myself.

tenacious d said...

Brock is rocking the "Uncle Rowdy" hairdo.

I suddenly have a craving for Nacho Doritos. Dang it!

Jennifer said...

Gardner village is such a great place to have fun with kids. :) Looks like a great time! Marie really, really, loves Cheetos too. We have a strict rule that she can't touch a single thing until after she washes her hands when she is all done. :)

Tory's Tunes