
Friday, April 17, 2009

Cheyenne Tea Party

Tyler and I went to support Cheyenne's Tea Party Wednesday afternoon on our lunch breaks.

My favorite sign said, "Keep Barney's hands off of Freddie's Fannie".


Jenny said...

Aww, how fun! I'm jealous, you crazy right wing extremist :)

Momma K said...

Yea for you! We went to Portland's. I was a little nervous carrying my sign on the MAX to get down town, excepting confrontation with some of the other riders. But none was had and we had a fun time. My favorite sign we saw was "I spent my middleclass tax cut on this sign." :)

tenacious d said...

Good for you guys! BTW, your outfit is so cute, Tor!

k.young said...

You look hot in your work clothes!

Rowdy said...

San Diego had a decent sized one as well. I did not go, but friends did.

Where did you protest?

Unknown said...

awesome! glad to see people taking a stand:)

Rohatinsky Family said...

Josh and I wanted to go to one of the Tea Parties so bad but couldn't find one here. Do you ever listen to Glenn Beck? Josh and I are obsessed now and think he is the funniest guy. But according to Obama, like Jenny said, he and we are a threat and "right wing extremists". Too bad we can't call terroists terroists but we can call perfectly normal people sticking up for our rights potentional threats, terroists, and extremists. Makes a lot of sense!)

Shilene said...

Roger is glad to see that you went to a tea party. He jokes that I at least have ONE conservative friend since my circles tend to be VERY liberal (not just a little) and I'm VERY conservative!!! We just don't talk politics, and when we do, I can guarantee that friendship will be over. I don't believe bipartisan is possible.

Becky said...

Hey Tory-
This is Becky Kanooth (Brooks) from Walla Walla. Oh my gosh I have a little girl named Tori and it reminded me of you so I found you on here. Just wanted to say Hi!!! You have a beautiful family!!

Tory's Tunes