
Friday, September 12, 2008

McCain on Health Care Reform

Let me preface this post by saying, that Tyler and I are painfully aware of the flaws in our country's current health care trends. We pay $650 a month in premiums for a $4,000 deductible. After we have met our deductible, we pay 20% of any additional medical expenses. As you may or may not know, we had a baby this year. I talked to our health care providers on Wednesday and, in total, we owe nearly $6,000 in medical bills. Keep in mind, this is in addition to the $650 we pay in premiums every month. I tell you this because I feel my opinion is more valid if it is made clear that our current health care system is not working for the McLachlan family either. In fact, we will be selling a car to pay for all our expenses.

"John McCain Will Reform Health Care Making It Easier For Individuals And Families To Obtain Insurance. An important part of his plan is to use competition to improve the quality of health insurance with greater variety to match people's needs, lower prices, and portability. Families should be able to purchase health insurance nationwide, across state lines" (

Feel free to research McCain's ideas for yourself, but in a nutshell, he will enable American citizens to have more of a choice regarding their health care plan. They would be allowed to cross state lines in order to find a plan more customized to their individual needs. This will also increase competition between insurance providers resulting in more competitive premiums.

Tim Johnson, an ABC News correspondent and Democratic enthusiast, had this to say regarding the McCain health care plan,

"It's much easier for people to have group insurance through their employer who does the hard legwork in negotiating with the insurance companies and then presents you with some choices. The idea that individuals are going to have enough knowledge, and enough savvy, and enough insight, and frankly enough guts to make choices all by themselves is pretty much a pipe dream."

This view of the American people is an outrage! The idea that we as a people are neither educated nor resourceful enough to research and purchase our own health care plan is 100% asinine. It is this view that makes me the most scared of the realization of socialized health care. Many Democrats are pushing for this in our country. Because they believe we are not smart enough to make our own decisions, the government will step in and take away our right to choose by making our decisions for us. Where does it stop? How does this idea and trend separate our country from any other communist or socialist country? How will this effect the quality of health care providers in this country?

I would sacrifice any car or material possession any day of the week, rather than sacrifice my freedom to choose.


Reisdorfer Ramblings said...

Holy cow, Tory, you are a great writer! I agree 100%. Thanks for checking out our blog. I need to keep tabs on it better, but too busy. Loved yours---way cute. Brock is soo big! Denise

Lezlie said...

Tory, i'm proud to call you "Baby". You are doing a tremendous good. We take our personal freedoms for granted. Keep it up and hold fast to your beliefs.

tenacious d said...

Tor, I am so impressed by your passion and desire to really know what the issues are. The more we let people spoon feed us, the more we really are a people who would rather just sit back and let someone else make the decision.

Unknown said...

I had no clue you cared about politics. How come we have never talked about it before?

k.young said...

I was totally signed in as Hunter, again. I am dumb.

Wendy said...

Amen, girl. Amen . . . So well said!!

Rowdy said...

I had a discussion with a friends mother that went basically like this;
her, "the rich need to pay more taxes! they have it all and us poor people have nothing!"
me, "if you made 300,000 dollars a year, would you want to pay 145,000 of it in taxes?? because you would."
her, "no, no, no. no way rich people dont pay any taxes."
me, "listen lady, i know more than one person who makes more than that amount and YES, you pay that much in taxes. especially living in california."
her son, "america is soo messed up. i hate it here. its crap and it will never be good."
me, "what the hell are you talking about?!?!? your parents left communist romania to come here!! you better shut up and think about what your really saying and what you have by being here. and the sacrifice your folks made to do it."

both of them were really clueless and just wanted things to be easy and given to them. if i wanted to live in a welfare state i would move to sweden.

Jennifer said...

Yes. Insurance and healthcare have been huge headaches for me lately too. We have personal insurance plans since Brandon is self-employed, and we recently decided to switch from Blue Cross to Humana. Big mistake!! I was denied coverage from Humana. They actually said I was uninsurable!! Why you may ask? A swollen lymph node (which is no longer even swollen) and I also don't weigh enough apparently (they called it body build). Just for the record, if a perfectly healthy individual, such as myself, has such difficulty getting health insurance, what chance does a slightly less healthy individual have?? Yeah, scary.

Molly said...

I am way impressed with your politicalness! I read a blog from an LDS blogger who will remain nameless at this time but if you ever want to read their blog let me know. But they were pro-abortion (how can you be LDS and pro-abortion), total Obama lovers and they believe that there should be no border control.("I will gladly pay more taxes to help support those crossing the borders illegally because they obviously need the help.") YIKES! I about pooped my pants! It made me so angry. How do people get so confused?

Jennifer said...

Hi Tori! It's me again! I tagged you on my blog! Come check it out!

Tory's Tunes